Monday, April 4, 2022


The other day, I wrote
a blog post called TIED IN KNOTS; THE QUEEN OF ENTANGLEMENTS. It was about our beagle Dixie, but it occurred to me later that our late dog Lady was the real Queen of Entanglements.

It's true that Dixie is great at getting tangled when outside hooked to her cord. But Lady was better. She was constantly getting wrapped around the butterfly bush; instead of going back the other way (as Dixie sometimes does), Lady would keep wrapping herself around the bush.

It would often be a mess untangling.

Once, I hooked Lady's cord to a tree while I was shooting hoops on the driveway. Lady kept circling the tree in a counter-clockwise direction and got herself pretty much plastered to the tree.

I couldn't unhook her from the tree quickly, so I went for her leash and took her inside. Then I went back to the tree and tried to be patient as I unhooked a little at a time.

I never hooked her to the tree again.

Both dogs have gotten their cords hung on bricks in the yard or splinters on the deck. Or furniture on the deck or the lawnmower on the carport. Or something else.

It's never a dull moment; just an aggravating one.


(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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