Saturday, December 24, 2016

A quiet Christmas without Lady

We'll have a quiet Christmas this year. And, in a way, it'll be lonely, too.

Lady passed on Sept. 17, and I'm slowly getting over it. For weeks after she died, I didn't want to look at the photo at left. I've missed her wet nose rubbing against my arm or me running my fingers through that super-thick fur.

Dixie's been a dependable companion. She tries SO hard to do what I want and to please me. Lady didn't do that until she was an old dog; she was mostly independent and did what she wanted. She stayed out in the yard, dug holes and chased squirrels and birds.

She only came to me at meal time, when she heard thunder or when I was going to take her for a walk or a ride.

But she mellowed in her old age, and she often lay at my feet as I worked on the computer. She became the dog I wanted her to be.

This will be our first Christmas without Lady since 2001 (we got her Oct. 1, 2002). I always enjoyed doing something special for her, even if it meant little or nothing to her. It meant something to me. (Dixie just came up beside me for a minute, then ran off).

We'll do something nice for Dixie tomorrow ... and we'll think of Lady.

MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYBODY ... from all of us, Lady and Dixie included 



(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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