Sunday, September 24, 2017

Help from a neighbor

A kind neighbor helped me today.

I let Dixie out on her line for about 20 minutes, then went outside to take out a bag of trash. I looked up and saw a neighbor walking a three-legged dog up our driveway.

I immediately knew it was Dixie, who had gotten out of that blue harness you see in the photo at left.

He said, "This is your three-legged dog, isn't it?" I said it was.

He brought her up to me, and I let her into the house. I thanked him profusely and handed him back his retractable leash. He said it was OK; neighbors have helped him occasionally when HIS dog got out. I haven't been able to catch his dog, but I HAVE hollered to let him know where his dog was.

It's funny, but I write more about her getting loose than anything else. Why? We rarely walk anymore, and we haven't been to the dog park in months.

Related posts

• Dixie gave me a scare

• Dixie gave me a few moments of panic

• Dixie got loose again

• Oh, no; she got out of the yard again

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