There were a couple of men and one or two dogs in the big-dog side when we got there, but they left before we got into the little-dog side. A black dog bellowed at us a few times as they drove away.
We only saw a couple of people — a woman I didn't know and a man (John) I do know. John had his dogs Daisy and Gracie with him, and they sniffed Lady all over. And John and I talked a few minutes.
We stayed about 45 minutes and got out of there.
The worst part came at the end. Lady had no trouble getting into the car when we went to the park; she climbed right into the floorboard, then popped up onto the seat. Coming home, she struggled and couldn't get into the floorboard. I tried to help, with no avail.
Finally, she went back down to the ground and stood there. I grabbed her harness and lifted enough so she could get into the car.
It's happened before, and it's always sad when it happens. Once, she fell over on her right side in the floorboard, but she was able to get up herself.
It'll get worse as she gets older (she'll unofficially be 16 on Oct. 1). Sigh.
NOTE: Lady passed on Sept. 17, 2016; that was just two weeks short of her unofficial 16th birthday. We got her Oct. 1, 2002.
CONTACT: I can be reached at or Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.
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