Sunday, July 29, 2018

The closest thing to play for Dixie

My wife Holly first bought a doggie snack called Charlee Bears for our mutt Lady. She's gone now, but Holly continues to buy the treats for our beagle Dixie.

Dixie doesn't play much otherwise, but she and I play our game when I break out the Charlee Bears. I'll flip one in the air; if it's close enough, she'll catch in her mouth. If it's off, she'll run for it.

A couple of times, I've landed a treat on her back; she's turned and turned until, finally, the low-calorie Charlee Bear has fallen off and she's gotten it. Sometimes I bonk her on the head; other times she knocks the CB down with her legs or head.

But Dixie isn't playing when we play this "game"; she's intent on getting fed.

I hate to admit it, but this is often the majority of exercise I've been able to give her lately. And it's the closest thing to play she's done in a long while.

(Dixie's snoring as I write this.)

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