Amazing story about a dog that saved a little girl at the cost of his own life
Homeless Dog Keeps Following People On The Street For A Heartbreaking Reason
Scared Homeless Dog Has the Rescue of a Lifetime. Her Transformation Will Melt Your Heart.
This Dog Threw A Child Across The Yard, But When The Mom Saw Why, She Could Not Believe Her Eyes
Dog asks if we can Chase the Storm so We Did
The Sad Story Of This Dog Who Had To Bite The Owner He Loves | Animal in Crisis EP142
Homeless Dog Keeps Following People On The Street For A Heartbreaking Reason
Scared Homeless Dog Has the Rescue of a Lifetime. Her Transformation Will Melt Your Heart.
This Dog Threw A Child Across The Yard, But When The Mom Saw Why, She Could Not Believe Her Eyes
Dog asks if we can Chase the Storm so We Did
The Sad Story Of This Dog Who Had To Bite The Owner He Loves | Animal in Crisis EP142
What happened to the pre-contact dogs?
Watch the heartwarming moment this dog realizes he's being adopted
Watch the heartwarming moment this dog realizes he's being adopted
Blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists
Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie
Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)