Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Yes, we're still going to the dog park

It may seem that Lady and I are no longer going to the dog park, since I haven't posted in awhile. Not true. We haven't gone the last two days, though; it's cold and has been raining.

One day, for instance, we encountered Simba the schnauzer on the little-dog side and Shasta and Nakia, the stereophonic huskies, on the big-dog side. There was also a great dane named Elvis, plus a chihuahua and another schnauzer.

On the same day, Lady tried to run with a black dog on the big-dog side. She didn't do much, but she tried.

The next day, Nov. 6, Lady just puttered around and I read a book (Dick Francis) until a guy showed up in a truck. After that, I was busy talking to the man, and Lady was busy avoiding the dog's advances (don't they know she's fixed?).

On Sunday, Nov. 16, we were at the dog park, and a fire alarm went off. The funny thing was that a dog barked just before it went off, and it sounded like the dog tripped the alarm. It lasted so long that I considered leaving. It finally quit, though, and all was well.

Note: Lady passed on Sept. 17, 2016.

Contact: I can be reached at tgilli52@gmail.com or nc3022@yahoo.com. Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.

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