That was WAY more dogs than I've seen on a morning during the school year. A middle-school teacher was there — so was one of her students — so maybe school was out today.
We saw a few dogs I recognized, including Willow and a boxer I know but can't remember his name (owned by the middle-school teacher; we remember each other from last summer; maybe he's Mr. T). There were two big, black dogs there, one long-haired, the other a black lab mix. Both were friendly with Lady, and neither tried to play with her.
A brown dog almost stalked Lady for a bit, but his owner got his attention and got him away.
I wasn't cold or hot — I was wearing a light sweatshirt — and I didn't get run into. So, for me, it was a quiet day.
When we left, there were still six cars in the lot at the dog park.
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