Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Oh, no; she got out of the yard again

Dixie did it again.

I put Dixie out on her line today for about 20 minutes so she could enjoy the day and do her business. Then when I went to get her, I found her empty harness at the end of the 45-foot line.

I called for her for several minutes to no avail. I started slowly down the driveway -- that's the only way I move nowadays -- with some trepidation. I called Holly's cell phone, and she said she was coming home.

By the time I got to the end of the driveway, though, I noticed a neighbor walking my way with a three-legged beagle nearby. Dixie didn't come all the way to me. Instead, she laid down in a neighbor's yard and looked at me happily; she was enjoying her freedom.

Finally, she came when I called her, and I hooked a leash to her collar and brought her into the house.

I told her that she was a bad girl, but I was immensely relieved that she got back OK.

Related posts

• Dixie gave me a scare

• Dixie gave me a few moments of panic

• Dixie got loose again

• Help from a neighbor

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