I hooked her to a 45-foot line and let her out in the yard. But when I came back outside, her empty harness was hooked to the line.
I got in my car and drove around the neighborhood until I found Dixie in someone's yard. She wouldn't come to me (she thought it was a game), but another neighbor showed up to help. She's having trouble getting around after a hip replacement, so she couldn't catch Dixie, either. Fortunately, the woman of the house came out with her dog, grabbed Dixie and brought her to my car.
So I took her home. I told her that she's a pain in the butt, but I was relieved to get her back.
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• Dixie gave me a scare
• Dixie gave me a few moments of panic
• Dixie got loose again
• Oh, no; she got out of the yard again
• Help from a neighbor
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