Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pets getting into the trash

I've written before about the downside of dog ownership, but I haven't mentioned dogs getting into bags of trash.

I can't give instances of our past dogs getting into the trash.

Dixie, our current dog, has gotten into trash often enough, and she did it again a couple of days ago. I came into the kitchen and there was trash all over the floor. A few weeks before that, I went into the office and found trash everywhere.

Dixie obviously was looking for food, and, sadly for her, there were only one or two food wrappers. Plus, I don't eat meat or dairy, so there would be none in the bag.

I just have to put trash bags high enough so that a fat, three-legged beagle can't get to them.


(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

Saturday, February 2, 2019

An unusual walk with Dixie

Dixie had an unusual performance on our walk today. It was a relatively easy walk.

Dixie didn't pull very much on our way out, and she didn't hold back and force me to drag her back toward our house. She spent most of the time walking beside me or sniffing.

And a couple of times, I didn't feel any tension on the line, so I looked to see if she was still with me. She was. In fact, she usually was walking close to me. She only balked once, when she detected a cat in a neighbor's yard.

It was odd for a dog that's usually hard to walk; it WASN'T hard at all.

I fully expect her to go back to her old ways on our next walk.

P.S.: When we got home, my wife Holly had a mixture of kale and brown beans ready for me. Dixie begged for some, and Holly gave her a bit.

Dixie waited until it cooled a bit, then ate it right up. That was even more shocking than the walk. Dogs usually eat meat, not cheese.

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(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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