Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Dixie and me meeting a neighbor

Every now and then, Dixie and I get to meet someone new. And it happened today with a neighbor.

We were loitering around the property he lives on, and he pulled up in his silver car. I expected him to walk away, but he instead greeted Dixie.

As usual, she dragged me over to her new "victim", and he laughed and gladly petted her. She did her regular routine of lying down and offering up her belly to rub. He didn't take the bait; instead, he rubbed her head and back.

Naturally, she was thrilled.

We didn't exchange names, but we did talk a good bit. I told him about me covering NASCAR years ago, and he told me about him helping rock bands with electricity and equipment.

All three of us came out of it happy. And I apologized for bending his ear.

EMAIL: tgilli52@gmail.com  TWITTER: EDITORatWORK
Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

More blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

Friday, April 5, 2019

Pet pages found on Twitter

I was just checking my notifications on Twitter, and I found a Twitter feed that follows me: AllDogsNeed (Mans' Best Friend brings you tips and advice on caring for your   Sharing with you photos of adorable  and 

And that got me looking for other dog folk on Twitter.

Bellas Big Adventure follows me; so does Dog Inspire. Dogs Trust doesn't follow me; neither does Whole Dog Journal.

Among the other animal pages I found on Twitter were AnimalLeague (The World's Largest No-kill Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization, out of Port Washington, NY)AdoptMeContraCostaCa (Martinez and Pinole, Calif., according to their page), ARTS Senior Animal Rescue (Rescue, rehab and re-home senior cats and dogs! Alberta-based, 100% volunteer and registered charity), Pets Topics (All around pets!. Articles, tips and more) and Welcome to Nature (For daily updates about nature follow ).

Clyde Hernandez (I've loved dogs since I was a kid) shows off funny dog videos. And you might check out WeRateDogs (Your Only Source For Professional Dog Ratings)

I also found the Big Puppy Love Shop (Online pet supply shop just for large breed dogs).


EMAIL: tgilli52@gmail.com  TWITTER: EDITORatWORK

(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)