Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Avoiding the trash truck

Lady and I got an early start yesterday. I took her for a short walk to the end of the lane, but the trash truck was coming. And that required some thinking, and some work.

Like many dogs, Lady goes nuts at passing automobiles (plus ATVs, motorcycles, weed whackers, lawn mowers, etc.), and she especially hates trash trucks (and the noise).

So I quickly came up with a plan. Our lane forms a big T at the end. When the trash truck passed to our left, I turned right. I waited until the truck came back and turned down the lane toward our house. Then I took Lady past the intersection and waited for the trash truck to come back.

Unfortunately, the truck came toward us, then sat at the end of our lane for several minutes while we waited in the cold. I was tempted to go past it, but I knew it would move at the wrong time and Lady would charge it. Maybe I was being overcautious, but Lady's powerful; I didn't want her to pull away from me and run under a tire.

So we waited until it finally turned right to leave the neighborhood. Then we took a right of our own and headed home.

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(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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