Then I looked up and saw a bird of prey gently flying maybe 50 feet above the dog. At first, I thought it was a hawk, but then I realized the head was wrong. It was an eagle looking for lunch.
The eagle couldn't fly off with Lady (at least I hope not; it would be one heck of an eagle), but that chihuahua was the right size. I hollered to the owner, who paid no attention.
Fortunately, there were enough people around that the eagle never chanced a swoop. Everyone got away safely.
UPDATE: Several months later, my wife Holly and I saw an eagle floating over the dog park. She thought at first that it was a hawk, but she recognized a bird of prey.
Lady's a good-sized dog, and it sailed away.
Contact: I can be reached at or Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.
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