Tuesday, January 20, 2015

On the small-dog side

More than a year and a half ago, Lady and I were on the big-dog side of the Happy Hounds dog park. There were lots of active dogs; Lady got run over by a couple of young, active dogs, and she let out a loud YIPE! I immediately took her to the small-dog side.

Sometimes I've taken her into the big-dog side since then, and a young dog (or two) will try hard to get Lady to play. Occasionally, she'll get beat up by a young buck trying to play. So, most of the time, we've stayed on the small-dog side.

We've encountered a lot of owners and their small dogs since then, and I'm sure that some of them have been upset that there's a big dog (about 52 pounds) on the little-dog side. But no one has complained.

In fact, most people have welcomed Lady, and some of them are happy to see her. She's friendly, and she sometimes even plays with them.

The owners' kind acceptance is greatly appreciated. And I'm happy that Lady hasn't gotten hurt recently.

P.S.: As far as I can remember, only one owner has complained that we were on the small-dog side. I took her over there to see a little dog that was being friendly through the fence. The man kept saying, "You should be on the big-dog side." And I stayed until we were ready to go.

That was long before the incident where Lady got hurt.

NOTE: We've been coming to the dog park regularly since it opened in June of 2007.

Note: Lady passed on Sept. 17, 2016, and Dixie and I have only been to the dog park a handful of times in the last few months; she doesn't enjoy it.

EMAIL: tgilli52@gmail.com TWITTER: EDITORatWORK.

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