Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Pretty dog and hot pizzas

I picked up Lady at the groomer's office just now. The highlight was when three people in front of the laundromat started praising my beautiful dog. They were all amazed that she's past 15 and a half years old.

The funny thing happened this morning when we were passing the Pizza Hut door on the way to the groomer's. Lady stopped and politely waited for someone to open the door. I guess she had a taste for pizza.

The bad thing happened when I was driving home from the groomer, and the light suddenly changed yellow and red. I hit the brake, and I heard Lady thump down onto the back floorboard of the car. She wasn't hurt. It's only happened a few times over the years, but it always bothers me.

I don't want to hurt my girl.

NOTE: Lady passed on Sept. 17, 2016; it was one of the saddest days of my life. She lived three months and 16 days after I wrote the above blog entry.


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