Sunday, December 4, 2016

From Dixie to Doodle

WE HAD A LOT OF NICKNAMES for Lady, ranging from Tooty (it takes some explanation) to Punkin to Knucklehead.

Mostly, I called her Darlin'.

Dixie doesn't need a nickname, but I've already called her Punkin a few times, and I almost immediately started calling her Dixie Doodle. That morphed into Doodle Bug (not a poodle or a pug) and then Doodle.

So, sometimes I call her Dixie; sometimes she's Doodle Bug; sometimes she's Dixie Doodle, and sometimes she's just Doodle.

It's not clever, and it's certainly not rocket science. It's just being affectionate with a valued friend.

And you can see the affection in the photo at left. Dixie wouldn't pose for a picture, so I picked her up; she still wouldn't look at the camera, so this is what we got.

Blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

EDITOR@WORK blog entries

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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