Monday, February 3, 2014

Licked on the big-dog side

Someone brought a small, black dog to the big-dog side of the dog park one day, and the little fuzzball was growling, barking and snarling at Lady.

She took it for about a half-minute, then reached out and licked the dog on the nose! It didn't know what to do. It shut up, stunned, then turned and walked away.

GOOD girl, Lady.

Here's a second story, and it's not as nice. A little dog (maybe the same one) was growling, barking and snarling at a 200-pound mastiff named Ajax. The big dog took the abuse for a bit and stood there as a big wad of slobber grew on his lip.

As the little dog provided the sound effects, the slobber plopped on its head. It squealed and tried to shake it off. Ajax went off with a doggie smile; the little dog didn't.

I assume an owner stepped forward with a towel. I didn't have one handy.


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