Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Struggling to get up

Sometimes Lady struggles to get into the floorboard of our car, and today she struggled to get up when I entered the hallway of our house. Her hind legs quivered, and it probably took her 10 seconds to stand.

But once she got up she was OK. When I went down the basement steps, she went ahead of me. And when I opened the cage, she went out into the yard.

Lady's a mixture of old dog and tomboy. Sometimes she'll struggle. Other times she'll run and play.

Recently, a friend of mine and I were talking at the dog park, and we looked around and saw Lady running toward us. Joe was shocked and said he'd never seen her run before.

Sometimes I'm shocked when she runs. The other day, we went to the big-dog side of the dog park. I was sitting there reading, and I heard a dog running hard toward me. I looked up, and it was Lady, breathing hard. She veered to my right and went behind the bench.

Lady's getting old — she'll be 14 this year — but she still has a spark of youth. Still, I hate to see the weaknesses and struggles.

Note: Now she's back in the house, back lying in the hallway.

Note: She passed on Sept. 17, 2016, and now we have a beagle, Dixie.

Contact: I can be reached at or Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.

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