Friday, July 1, 2016

Odd happenings at the park

This past week, a couple of unusual things happened at the dog park near us. Actually, on one occasion, it happened at Horizons Park, across the street.

We showed up at the dog park one day, and there was a Driver's Education car sitting in front of the little-dog side of the park. The hood was up, and a man was standing in front of the car, explaining things to a couple of high-school age kids, one of each gender. I assumed he was a teacher.

Then another day, a fire truck drove past the parks with its sirens on, then came back and turned into the Horizons Park parking lot. Shortly afterward, an ambulance came in as well. After awhile, the fire truck left, but the ambulance stayed. I think the ambulance was still there when we left.

I think Lady stood and watched the whole time. So did I. I hope everyone was all right.

Contact: I can be reached at or Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.

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