Friday, November 4, 2016

That was no cat

I got a scare tonight when I took Dixie for a late walk. Dixie saw something ahead of us that I couldn't see, and she was pulling mightily to get close to it.

At first, I thought it was a big squirrel or a small cat, because of the tail. Then I realized that this "cat" wasn't pure black and white, but it had a white stripe.

And it was no cat.

Dixie kept trying to get to it, and the skunk wasn't trying to get away. It bushed up its tail — a bad sign — but at least the tail was pointed away from us.

I immediately pulled Dixie mightily in the other direction, and I moved faster than I've gone in years. I didn't give Dixie her usual time to stop and sniff. It seemed like it took us seconds to get back to the car port.

I looked back; nothing. Good. Wonderful.

I'll have to be more careful in the future. Dixie obviously had never encountered a skunk before. Hopefully, she never will again.
Blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

EDITOR@WORK blog entries

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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