Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The retractable leash works so far

We tried a retractable leash with our late mutt Lady, and, frankly, it didn't work at all. She saw/heard/smelled a rooster across the cul-de-sac and literally exploded the leash. All I had left of the cord was a few filaments dangling from the leash.

She was gone.

We tried a retractable leash with Dixie, and my only complaint was that it was awkward to use with my cane; I use a cane in each hand for balance when I walk Dixie (I did the same late in Lady's life).

The biggest problem with the normal leash was that Dixie constantly got herself and me tangled up in it. We used the retractable leash today with fewer problems. The leash generally didn't get wrapped around her unless she decided to roll in the dirt (she did that once).

Otherwise, the device took up slack on its own when she got closer and gave out slack when she pulled ahead. My biggest worry is her being on the other side of the lane when a car comes, but cars don't come often, and they can't go fast as they approach the cul-de-sac where we live.

So, the retractable leash is a hit with me so far. I'll use it again.

CONTACT: I can be reached at tgilli52@gmail.com or nc3022@yahoo.com. Also, my Twitter handle is EDITORatWORK.
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