Sunday, February 19, 2017

Our return to the dog park

Dixie and I made our triumphant return to the dog park today. We were there for an hour and a half, and there were only two dogs there, but I was proud of Dixie.

We hadn't been to the dog park for more than three months simply because Dixie didn't seem to enjoy being there. She constantly chased other dogs away, so I couldn't pet them.

Today, we went about 8:30 a.m. so there wouldn't be many people or dogs there. John was there with Daisy (a terrier) and Gracie (a big dog), and I petted a dog other than Dixie for the first time in nearly four months.

Daisy actually growled at Dixie, but John admonished her, and she left Dixie alone after that. Daisy and Gracie played together, and Dixie went off and sniffed.

She actually went down to the bottom of the park, far from us, to look and sniff. That was unusual, since she usually hangs around me.

Except when Daisy and Gracie played and growled almost in our laps, I enjoyed the trip. And I think Daisy enjoyed the dog park for the first time.

She did seem relieved, though, when John took Daisy and Gracie off in their car.

We took a walk outside the park, then left as others were going in. No point in pushing our luck too far. Dixie will get another chance to excel.

Blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

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Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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