Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Licks from Dix

Today we went to the dog park and met a nice woman and her dog named Raven (guess what color she is). When we were leaving, I asked the woman if she had a smart phone, and she did.

She tried mightily to get a photo of Dixie, but the puppy wouldn't comply. Dixie kept turning away or going back into the shadows.

Finally, I just grabbed her and pulled her into my arms. She wouldn't look at the camera, but she WOULD look at me.

So we got the picture at left. I call it LICKS FROM DIX. Dixie looked scared in the photo the Forsyth Humane Society sent me, so I'm pleased. She certainly doesn't look scared here.

Dixie and Raven (another girl) got along just fine. They didn't play, but they hung out together, and I was happy with that. Raven was a little bashful with me, although she was fascinated by my bag (I carry a book, a notebook, a leash and other stuff; no food, though).
Blog entries by Tom Gillispie
• Advice for be and would-be novelists

Anecdotes by Tom Gillispie

EDITOR@WORK blog entries

Blog entries from The Auto Racing Journal
(a book of great stories about the Intimidator)
(the book of great NASCAR stories)

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