Saturday, October 15, 2016

Scared puppy at the dog park

DIXIE HAD A ROUGH day today at the dog park. She got along fine with Daisy and Gracie, two dogs my friend John had at the park. She just laid down and let them sniff her. Then she got up and looked around.

But later when we were in the parking lot she snarled at a dog through the fence. The dog's owner said that his dog was too rough when it played, so it was a good thing I wasn't going to take Dixie in there (he had his dog in the small-dog side).

An older couple went into the big-dog side with two dogs, but we stayed out. Even though those dogs seemed friendly -- one was a basset hound and the other a sheepdog -- Dixie was scared, and it didn't seem worth it.

We'll keep trying. Sometimes she gets along with all of the dogs; today, she didn't.

NOTE: I later realized that Dixie isn't afraid of the dogs she snarls at; she's keeping them away from me. She's either jealous, or she's protecting me. Go figure.
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