You drop Dixie's leash and she'll either stay right with you, or she'll come charging back to you when you call to her (most of the time, anyway; lately, Dixie hasn't been so quick to come back to Holly or me).
Lady's big advantage was helping me take out the trash. Lady, a snow-dog type, would pull mightily if needed. It felt like a little tractor was pulling me. Dixie's getting better, though. When we took out the trash barrel today, Dixie stayed in a straight line, and she tried hard to help me pull (as hard as a fat, three-legged beagle can pull).
The negative for both dogs is boredom. A bored Dixie tore up a bunch of paper in the living room the other night.
Still, Dixie tries hard to please me, and Lady rarely did. But she was a sweet girl the last few years of her life.
UPDATE: Dixie got away from Holly yesterday; when Holly hollered, Dixie came running to her. It's the first time in many months that she's come back voluntarily.
NOTE: Lady passed on Sept. 17, 2016.
EMAIL: tgilli52@gmail.com TWITTER: EDITORatWORK
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